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What Immersed in Christ is all about



If someone asked you, “Describe for me in simple and, above all, practical terms, the Christian “way of perfection,” what would you say?


No generalities, like “Live in love,” or “Read the Scriptures.” Love is a goal; the Scriptures are a source. We are asking for a realistic agenda, a step-by-step plan for moving from where we are to where we want to be.


And where do we want to be? What does it mean, in daily life, to live in love? Correction: to live in Love, in the mystery of Jesus’ “new commandment”—“ Love one another as I have loved you,” and “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect ” (John 13:34, 15:12; Matthew 5:48).


Immersed in Christ lays out, in practical, concrete terms, the Christian “way of perfection.” It makes the path traced by the great saints and mystics available to all the “ordinary” people in the pews. It makes Christianity a way of life by explaining how to assimilate into daily life the five clear and essential, but largely unrecognized, mysteries of Baptism. These five mysteries, when consciously lived, give every Christian the “ordinary” ongoing mystical experience of:


1.  divine identity as Christ;

2.  divine enlightenment as a disciple;

3.  divine empowerment for the mission of bearing witness as a prophet;

4.  divine union with Christ as a priest by Baptism;

5.  divine hope in accepting responsibility for transforming society as a steward of  the kingship of Christ.


Immersed in Christ shows us how to harmonize these five notes to make graced living the melody of our lives, and how to keep playing them in every area and activity of Christian involvement—in family, school, parish, business and civic life.


Integrating into personal life and pastoral ministry the mystery of the divine life received in Baptism is the focus of this website and of Immersed in Christ.

© 2014 - 2024  Immersed in Christ. Immersed in Christ is a 501 (c) (3) Charitable Organization.

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